Meetings, agendas and minutes

On this page, you can find links to the agendas and minutes of TfL Board, committee and panel meetings, including the dates of future meetings. The How we are governed page on the TfL website, provides more information on how decisions are made and the membership and remit of the Board, committees and panels

Meeting Information

All papers (unless exempt from publication or accepted by the relevant Chair as an urgent item) are published five clear working days before each meeting. Dates of meetings and the venue are included on a Public Notice on the How we are governed page on the TfL website.

The meetings of the Board, committees and panels are held in public, except for where exempt information is being discussed as noted on the agenda. A guide for the press and public on attending and reporting meetings of local government bodies, including the use of film, photography, social media and other means is available on the Greater London Authority website.

You can access Board meeting live streams or recordings on the Greater London Authority website and Board, committee and panel live streams or recordings on TfL's YouTube Channel.

Our current committees and advisory panels are listed below. Each page includes details of the members and the published papers, along with details of future meeting dates.

Board Members

Members are appointed by the Mayor. Information on Members, including short biographies, registers of interest , terms of appintment and remuneration are available on the Board Members page of the TfL website.

How decisions are taken

TfL’s decision-making structure and proceedings, together with Schemes of Delegation and Authorities are laid out in TfL Standing Orders. The Board also approves the terms of reference of committees and panels, which sets out their membership, remit and decision-making authority. Find out more on the How we are governed page on the TfL website.