Venue: Conference Rooms 1 and 2, Ground Floor, Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ
Contact: Jackie Gavigan, Secretariat Manager Email: [email protected]
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Chair's Announcements |
Declarations of Interests General Counsel
Members are reminded that any interests in a matter under discussion must be declared at the start of the meeting, or at the commencement of the item of business.
Members must not take part in any discussion or decision on such a matter and, depending on the nature of the interest, may be asked to leave the room during the discussion. |
Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 18 December 2024 General Counsel
The Committee is asked to approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 18 December 2024 and authorise the Chair to sign them. |
Matters Arising and Actions List General Counsel
The Committee is asked to note the updated actions list. Additional documents: |
Use of Delegated Authority General Counsel
The Committee is asked to note the paper. |
Finance Report - Period 9, 2024/25 Chief Finance Officer
The Committee is asked to note the paper and the exempt supplementary information on Part 2 of the agenda. Additional documents: |
Treasury Activities, Policies and Strategies Group Treasurer
The Committee is asked to note the paper and the exempt supplementary information on Part 2 of the agenda and; approve the proposed Treasury Management Strategy (TMS) 2025/26, attached as Appendix 1 to this paper, including the Investment Strategy, the Borrowing Strategy, the Liquidity Strategy and the Risk Management Strategy; approve the proposed TfL Treasury Management Policies attached as Appendix 2 to this paper; approve the proposed TfL Group Policy Relating to the Use of Derivative Investments attached as Appendix 3 to this paper; approve the proposed Places for London Limited Treasury Management Strategy, attached as Appendix 4 to this paper, including the Borrowing Strategy, the Investment Strategy and the Liquidity Strategy; approve the proposed Treasury Management Policies for Places for London Limited attached as Appendix 5 to this paper; and subject to approval of the TMS 2025/26 and the Derivatives Policy, to approve TfL Finance Limited entering into the Derivative Investments.
Additional documents:
Investment Management Strategy 2025/26 - Non-Financial Assets Group Treasurer
The Committee is asked to note the paper and approve the Investment Management Strategy 2025/26 – Non-Financial Assets, attached at Appendix 1 to this paper. Additional documents: |
Taxi Fares and Tariffs Update Chief Operating Officer
The Committee is asked to note the paper and approve increasing the minimum fare by 40 pence to £4.20; increasing Tariffs 1, 2 and 3 by 5.05 per cent; keeping the Tariff 4 rates the same as the Tariff 2 rates; reducing the Heathrow extra, which taxi drivers can add to the fare when picking up a passenger from one of the taxi ranks at Heathrow Airport, from £2.00 to £1.60; increasing the Heathrow drop off charge from £5.20 to £6.00; increasing the fixed-fares for shared-taxis from the All England Lawn Tennis Club to central London by £1.50; amending some of the authorised places (as set out in Appendix 8) where the fixed-fare, shared-taxi scheme operates from during the Wimbledon Tennis Championships; and extending one of the areas (as set out in Appendix 8) covered by the fixed-fare, shared-taxi scheme that operates during the Wimbledon Tennis Championships.
Additional documents:
Bicycle Management and Supply Contract Extension Chief Finance Officer
The Committee is asked to note the paper and the exempt supplementary information on Part 2 of the agenda and approve Procurement Authority, at the sums and total set out in the related paper on Part 2 of the agenda, for the extension up to 30 June 2026 of the Bicycle Management and Supply contract, as described in this paper and the related paper on Part 2 of the agenda; note that extension of the Bicycle Management and Supply contract to 31 March 2026 will need to be provided for in the next TfL Budget and is included in the draft currently in preparation; and note that, if the extension of the Bicycle Management and Supply contract is required beyond 31 March 2026, unbudgeted Financial Authority will be required and will be sought at Officer level, in accordance with Standing Orders.
Forthcoming Key Procurement Activities Chief Finance Officer
The Committee is asked to note the paper and the exempt supplementary information on Part 2 of the agenda. |
Risk and Assurance Report Quarter 3 2024/25 Director of Risk and Assurance
The Committee is asked to note the paper and the exempt supplementary information on Part 2 of the agenda. Additional documents: |
Members' Suggestions for Future Discussion Items General Counsel
The Committee is asked to note the forward plan and is invited to raise any suggestions for future discussion items. Additional documents: |
Any Other Business the Chair Considers Urgent The Chair will state the reason for urgency of any item taken. |
Date of Next Meeting Monday 14 July 2025 at 11.30am. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public The Committee is recommended to agree to exclude the press and public from the meeting, in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 7 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), in order to consider the following items of business.
Agenda Part 2 |
Finance Report - Period 9, 2024/25 Exempt supplementary information relating to the item on Part 2 of the agenda. |
Treasury Activities, Policies and Strategies Exempt supplementary information relating to the item on Part 2 of the agenda. |
Bicycle Management and Supply Contract Extension Exempt supplementary information relating to the item on Part 2 of the agenda. |
Forthcoming Key Procurement Activities Exempt supplementary information relating to the item on Part 2 of the agenda. |
Risk and Assurance Report Quarter 3 2024/25 Exempt supplementary information relating to the item on Part 2 of the agenda. |